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From sound to word

with Valérie Philippin , Claudia Solal et Christine Bertocchi

dates Dates
22.04.19 → 26.04.19
lieu Location
Two spaces are available : Community hall « La Quintilienne » and the Compagnie D’un instant à l’autre’s work studio, in the village of Quincerot (Côte d’Or), France.
duree Duration
30 hours— 5 days
horaires Schedule

Monday: 2:30p.m. to 6:30p.m. arrival time starting at 1:30p.m. Tuesday to Friday : 9:30a.m. to 12:30p.m. and 2p.m. to 5:30p.m. Public presentation on Friday at 6:30p.m.

Participants' profiles

Singers from all music backgrounds, musicians, music teachers, choir directors, actors, orators.

Teaching content

Driven by a common passion for teaching, vocal improvisation and musical adventures off beaten path, Christine Bertocchi, Valérie Philippin and Claudia Solal will share, throughout this workshop, their specific approaches around the origin of words, the development of language and the extended vocal exploration with or without textual support. From sound poetry to musical theater, from working with vocal textures to instant composition, from imaginary language to the making of sung forms, it is a vast playing field that each of them will enrich through improvised proposals or exploratory walks among all the available materials.

Teacher's biography

Up there, you can upload the biographies to know more about Valerie Philippin, Caudia Solal and Chritsine Bertocchi.

Would you like to register for this professional workshop ?

20 people maximum. Registration will be taken into account in order of arrival on a first-come basis. Financial support is available through OPCA (Afdas, Uniformation, FIPPL...) and employers. 

A discount rate is possible for individual financing. +33 (0)6 25 11 20 29